How Working With A Start-Up Helps You Grow | Personal Experience

After Modi’s initiative for Start-Up India, I thought this would be the best time to talk about Start-ups and their work culture.

Sit down kids, this is a story of how I met your…. no, wait… this is a story of How Working With A Start-Up Helped Me Grow.

I had just come in 2nd year of Mathematics, stumbling and crawling (and yes, I love numbers! Duh) and I needed an internship.

Since writing is one of those things I am good at… okay…the only thing I am good at, so I thought “content writing” would be the best option for me to try my hand at. I started looking for internships on different online portals.

Long story short- I got it, an internship in “content writing”. After clearing two tests and one interview, I had my first internship letter and an opportunity to work with a start-up.

I remember, when I was in the office for my interview with the co-founder of the start-up, I saw people in jackets, sandals, hoodies, funky-text tees, Kurtas, and absolutely, none of them was in formals. Youngsters, younsters, everywhere! My eyes were about to pop-out when I saw gaming consoles and big headphones lying on the tables, posters with inspiring quotes, people with freakishly cool laptops sitting on bean bags. Office looked straight outta “Nerdvana”. I was so impressed with the space and excited to begin to work there.

I worked with the team for 6 months and fell in love with the functioning of start-ups, their work culture and almost everything. I have reasons- good and convincing reasons!

How Working With A Start-Up Helped Me Grow:



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Meeting Your Bf’s Parents For The First Time-Do’s And Don’ts

Do you ever think how it would be like to meet your boyfriend’s parents for the first time? Dark clouds will cover the sky; silence will envelope around you, darkness will descend upon you? No! It will be way more frightening than you think.

Meeting your bf’s parents for the first time could be as daunting as the CID’s questionnaire round just because you sneezed out loud in the library. It is easier to run in 6 inch heels with suitcase in your hands when it is raining than to face the anticipation of how it would be like to meet your bae’s parents.

You get nervous. Sleep eludes you. You think a lot and then sometimes, you eat a lot too. Damn it.

To avoid all the horror,here are 8 do’s and don’ts before meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Read on, girl!

1. Don’t be nervous. Just be yourself


There’s no need to be nervous. It is just a gathering with your boyfriend’s parents. Ok. I am kidding. There IS a reason to be nervous but you must avoid it for you might end up saying something wrong. Just be yourself and go with the flow.

2. Do not laugh hard, be sophisticated all the time


Why would you want to laugh hard in front of your future in-laws? Maintain your composure no matter how good the joke is. If can’t, then excuse yourself for a minute, go to the washroom, put your hand on your mouth and laugh but at the same time, control yourself. Talking in a low tone is also good.

3. Be appreciative and listen more


Be appreciative of everything- the food that his mother cooked, neatly cleaned house just for you and their efforts to make you feel welcome at their home. Compliments are always appreciated. Listen more and talk sufficient. Everybody likes a good listener. Once in a while, you can take their side too in a suitable conversation.

4. Take interest


Take interest in their talks. Try to figure out what they like. You can ask them what they like in food. You can look up to the father and ask him how is his work? You can also try to take interest in their family traditions. Wear a positive persona.

5. Wisely choose your dress for the day


You surely do not want to look overly-dressed, under-dressed or worse-a hippie in front of your bae’s parents who, unlike your peers, pay more attention to it. You must have heard that first impression is the last impression. Right? Prove it and consider their taste of styling before wearing your Paris stitched jump suit!

If they are cultured and religious

You might want to wear what Hindi TV serials’ pampered Bahus wear. Yes, a saree or suit and dupatta would be good. Carry them beautifully and you are good to go.

If they are highly rich and sophisticated-

Good choices will be a sack or a one piece with good fitting but not revealing. Do not choose the immodest ones.

Keep your make-up light.

6. Remember, girls are expected to be shy


We get it that you are an independent girl, live your life on your own terms and you are confident as well but admit it, even you know you are expected to be shy when meeting someone outside your family and friends. Anyways, it wouldn’t hurt to shy a little. You can always learn it from old Hindi movies/actresses. Go for Jaya Bachchan or Hema Malini.

7. Insist and then, assist the mother in household chores


You will end up getting thousands of blessing from your bae’s mother at the end of the day if once, she sees you working in the kitchen. You may help her with the cooking or servings of food. That’s all she wants, a girl who knows how to handle the master room i.e. “kitchen”. She will be impressed.

8. Do not be an “Anti-Family” girl


This is the last thing you would want them to know that how you hate the idea of living with your in-laws. Trust me. You might get thrown out of the house immediately. Most importantly, do not even dare to say that you are not interested in the kids.

Enough of the suggestions I guess. Lastly, remember to be confident. You are pretty and keep faith in yourself. It is no mumbo-jumbo to fear meeting your beloved bf’s equally terrifying parents; key point is to remain the way you are. Of course, you can add up the above Do’s and Dont’s in your personality and make it more attractive and intimidating.

Don’t worry. They are going to like you. 😉



Once again i am at the very same place
Where, once, the horror captivated my veins
Place, where that epoch of my life belongs
Path, where i can still see those stains…

How i ended up here again?
I wonder as i retrace my old steps
I listen to those loud sobs…
Once i took there in those leaky sheds…

Everything looks the same,
Even the reasons that landed me here,
Again, in the lap of darkness
Devoid of any fresh air…

This familiarity now feels welcomed,
Inside of me that has been growing,
Its the coldness that gives me warmth…
Of the comfort i had been avoiding…

I now realize that this has been my space
Discreetly, where lies my solitary soul
In peace, where it rests upon,
Oblivious of what it’s falling for…

Solitude- that has been incandescent,
Only for the portion where i surface,
Protects me from any external harm,
Leaving me in its warm embrace…

Miracles it beholds behind the prada
Where people often scare to go…
And Confuse it with loneliness and darkness
But you don’t know what lies behind its walls…

Throw yourself to it and it absorbs your halo…
You experience the moments of sudden revelation…
Each and every minute you spend there
Will make you face what you have forsaken…

From cold darkness to warm luminous light…
Every color of solitude is a lesson,
For that Holy grail that you need to have
And all your desires you wish for possession…!



Everyday challenges you…takes your test and sometimes tortures you as well, through different mishaps or people close to you, what amazing is that you SOMEHOW manage to wake up everytime the very next day of it.

What beats me down is the thought that how long can you continue waking up to the same blood sucking routine? Afterall, only you can change your life….  

Try to push…away from light,
i will… Stick to the ground
Nail me down… if you want
I will…stand up somehow

You can use…the time you have
And torture… every then and now
A time will come…when you will fall
i will…rise that day somehow

You may scare… You may stare
To pin my eyes… on the floor
My voice will rise…and strength may arise…
And burn everything…you adore

For i am weak… And this you know
Take advantage of it…if you may
Beat me down…to the lowest core
I will… Rise up in a day

I may not do… Anything now
But you know…that’s uncertain
For you know i am…one rebellion
But still i… Live and sustain

Lock up the doors…and throw away the keys
To stop me…reach new heights
but there’s no lock…that strong or big
To kill my dreams…despite

Shout and scream… If that’s what you want
I have patience…with it to deal
Take out all… What you have
Frustration or anger… Just reveal

I take it burden to be born
Load as much…as you think i can bear
I may…shed…a tear or two
Will fetch them…as long as i care

I swear on you…a day might come
When i’ll be gone…in the dust
You won’t find me…wherever you look
And your hopes…may break and rust

All i just want…is to breakfree
From every path…where you appear
From all the wrong visions…to all the wrong steps
You saw and took…with fear

I want to take risks…and learn something new
Build on my own…my tower of success
I don’t want to fear…the fear of loss
Because what matters…is my happiness

I do not intend…to let you down and leave
But to grow…i want my own space
With only your support…and confidence in me
I will rise somehow…in embrace!!!



Alcohol- an acid in married life Part II

(Your words have the power to be lethal…)
She remained strong and firm. Her mother was still clutched in her arms. They were moving out of the kitchen to the balcony with her out-of-control father still being in the kitchen. Her father came out violently… still uttering the foul words giving some threats. She didn’t look at him or her mother. How could she? She had to be strong. He came near and punched hard in her back… he tried to hit her mother too but the girl was in between and the mother was protected by her. She then saw the expression on his face…and indeed, she was terrified. A chill went down her spine. When he could not hit her mother, he hit the girl again. He hit her with his leg. It was shocking how she didn’t shed a single tear.
She and her mother were now standing by the railing. Shaking. “I will kill both of you. Throw you off this balcony. Will cut you in pieces. Bi***s” she heard him saying. Somehow she managed to cry out saying “No”. Repeatedly. She was scared to death. Her mother was sobbing loudly which was making her father angrier. So, she tried to control and calm down her mother. She said “No. No. It’s ok. It’s over. Not a sound now. It’s ok. Quiet. Quiet. Calm down. Everything is fine.” but was it? The father went back in the kitchen. Taking advantage of this moment, she tried to take her mom inside. She thought she would lock her mother in her room and this will protect her from further violence. However, her mother resisted. She tried to free herself from the hands of her daughter and made her way to the kitchen. She sensed that her mother was worried that her father might take a wrong step. She was right. It was one possibility. So, she went along with her. Her dad picked up the lighter again, threw the window panes, raging. She snatched the lighter from his hand and threw it off, sided the mom behind her and elongated her hand towards her father in a gesture to stop him.
She then folded her hands and pleaded “please, papa please. Stop it. We will leave the house tomorrow morning. Promise. But calm down. Let us walk inside. She wouldn’t say anything. Please stop.”
“No respect. No nothing. I gave you fuc**ng everything. You think I enjoy all the time. I work my as* off day and night to earn, run here and there to give you this luxury. I bear one hell of a fuc**ng burden every day. Why? Just to eat meals two times a day? No. there’s more than that. You hate my family. Bit***. I f**k around under the sun everyday…day by day administrator is throwing colleagues out of the office just to make us die with more work load… and you think I fuc***g come late purposely. I knew why I drank. There’s no harm in taking 2-3 packs. There was fuc***g rally today of Kejriwal…BJP party came to the office at 10pm. Each and every authority was there…how could I pick up the call then? You think I just f**k around and enjoy… is it? I will kill both of you. Get out of my house.” He said walking his way out of the kitchen.
After listening to this, entire she understood the entire case as to why her father was pissed. The moment when her father had entered at home, she had listened her mother’s voice investigating her father. “Oh god, couldn’t she wait until he gets comfortable and freshens or for the next day…when would she understand?” she thought at that very instant.

Often she had tried to make her mother understand the delicacy of the situation that already her father works all day and night devoid of any comfort…comes exhausted…sometimes he doesn’t even do lunch and whenever he comes after 12pm, he even skips dinner…he just comes, showers and sleeps… then would it be fair to stand by the door with irritated expression on her face waiting to ask tonnes of questions as soon as he knocks the door? Anyone… ANYONE…will be irritated if this happens. That too, if he is drunk… it gets already risky equivalent to putting your head inside the lion’s mouth. She had asked her to deal with it and deal with his fu****g professional life. But because her mother is so caring and she is a MOTHER and WIFE… she never understood this. There had been the occasions when her mother didn’t keep her mouth shut and he being drunk didn’t even utter a word. But this time was different. It was like all the frustration inside of him exploded in a sudden blow. No one… simply no one can measure a father’s stress and frustration level.
She was still in between her parents. “I am saying I am sorry. It’s my mistake. I am sorry. Please let’s go inside.” her mother pleaded. “Please papa…I agree… it’s mamma’s mistake. She shouldn’t have doubted you or investigated you. We know you work so hard. Every day. Please come inside. She admits that it’s her mistake.” She said with her knees shaking more than ever. But within she knew that it was still no reason to raise his hand over her or mother

“No. I won’t. I will jump right form here. Right now. I will fuc***g suicide. I will show you now your fu***g position. Bi***s. get the fu*k out of my house tomorrow. I will show you your real position bi***es… just get the fu*k out of my house.” He retorted.
She and her mother listened. Her mother again said that she was sorry but it left no effect on him. He kept saying all the bulls**t. Her mother asked him if he wanted neighbours to listen to all this? The girl convinced her father by folding her hands together… pleaded… requested.
He finally, went inside still uttering the same thing over again.
Her mother followed him. She locked the doors behind her.
She had never thought that a day would become when she would have to fold her hands in front of her father. What kind of father in a world would accept that? It was oblivion. She felt devastated.
She still didn’t shed a tear…

To be continued…

Alcohol- an acid in married life Part

(A minute of rage to devastate everything…)

Her dad came late last night at home. He was drunk but able to walk properly… since he drove to home; I assume he was perfectly fine. Some people when drink, they get funnier or quiet or blabber mouthed or angry and sometimes lose patience abruptly. Her dad falls in the last two categories.

Each night her mother sacrifices her sleep just to open the gate for her husband, she worries a lot. It is obvious that no woman in the world wants her husband to come home late at night that too, drunk. She didn’t want it either. Despite of her countless efforts to make him understand about the consequences of his habit of drinking… the habit remain unchanged. She cares. She worries and that’s why she gets angry. Negative thoughts surround her every night she keeps herself awake to wait for her husband to come back home. She worries about his health. She thinks that something bad might happen on his way to home. His safety concerns her to insomnia.

She loved her father so much. Her dad has a hectic job. He works 13 hours for 4 days and 15-16 hours for 2 days, roams around the city on a bike in 40 degree Celsius with 5 kg of bag in his full sleeve shirt. He works really hard to keep his family devoid of any sufferings. Just like most of the middle class society men, he too has a heavy burden of loans; still he helps other financially as much as he can. He leaves no one disappointed. Since he has been in the period where he had lived a life with no one on his side, on his own, no father, nothing, he understands the situations of others’ well. He has gone through hell, earned the gold and pride and honour on his own and is respected severely. She, her mother, and her overseas brother respect him the most. Even if they took over 100 incarnations, the debt will be unpaid.

Because of her father’s one dreaded job, there’s no bond between them. They don’t talk much.

Her mother was furious last night thinking about why he was being late for he neither picked up her call nor did he call back. She was angry with a bundle of worries. It was 11:45pm when he arrived at home. She found he was drunk. It upset her more. She lost her calm and asked him about where he had been? Why he was late? She taunted him over his drunkenness.

It was less than a fraction of a second which made him altogether more furious than her. He raged around the home, spoke abusive words continuously. He was losing his control per second. Was it he or the alcohol?

They were the sounds of utensils being thrown on the floor which disturbed the daughter while she was on call with someone. When she heard the sound once, she ignored it. Second time, she ignored it again. It was the 3rd time which made her step out of the sheets and walk her way to the kitchen. She found her dad speaking abusive words near the gate of balcony which further leads to kitchen. He was opening the gate furiously and she followed. She saw 3 glasses and several spoons on the floor; she judged immediately the cause of this mishappening. She saw her mom standing in the balcony by the railings with her back (mother’s) towards her. She said nothing but picked up the utensils one by one. Her dad made her way to the kitchen saying that he would light up the house on fire. “you dare throw glasses ha? Wait bi**h I will put up the house on fire… you dare show anger at me? Just wait” and he picked up the lighter and just in time mom and she reached for his hand and stopped him in the middle. They both tried to control him. He pushed them away- one hit the door and the other hit the wall. He was still speaking the same abusive words, this time for both of them. The daughter knew even if she didn’t do anything, she would still be blamed and abused so she remained calm. She was near the kitchen door when she saw her father raising his hand. She faced black out for less than a nano second for she knew what was coming. And in no time. She saw her mother being hardly slapped by him. The sound of it numbed her ears. She immediately ran and hugged her mother tightly, protecting her, coming in between them. Her body was shaking severely. She was lost. She thought nothing. She could not see anything. And all she heard were the loud cries of her mother and repeated words of her father- get out both of you from my house. Immediately. Tomorrow morning. Get out. You people are scum. Bi***es. Wh**e.” etc.

She tried to make her way out of the kitchen along with her mother… she was still shaking…more and more…

To be continued…